Asteroid occultation events


Observations of stellar occultation by asteroids will make significant impact in several areas of astronomy. Observations of these events by professional and amateur astronomers are extremly important since thay can provide unique information about the size of asteroids and improve their orbit elements dramatically.

LinOccult computes predictions of such occultation of stars by asteroids.

LinOccult has been developed for Linux and distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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To compute time and coordinates of occultation events you need the following data:

  1. DE405 - Major planets ephemeris.
  2. Star catalog(s).
  3. astorb.dat - asteroid orbits.

To display occultation coordinates on Earth surface you need to have the following applicatons:

  1. PovRay.
  2. EarthView.

To create pdf output you should have a TeTeX.

LinOccult is a stand alone program and can be loaded by the following command:
./linoccult ConfigFile

Technical details:

LinOccult use DE405 precomputed major planets ephemeris to precise numerical integration of asteroid orbit. User can select asteroids to process by changing several parameters in configuration file.

TODO list:

  1. To develop a GUI.
  2. To create a make files.

Plekhanov Andrey

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